Replying to Feedback in a Workspace

Replying to Feedback in a Workspace

To start a discussion or leave a reply on feedback in a workspace, first open the feedback you’d like to comment on. You can do this by clicking a notification in-app or via email, selecting a feedback item from track, and from the feedback panel directly in a workspace. To open the feedback panel in a workspace, select the ‘Feedback’ button on the right sidebar. 

Note: If you don’t see the feedback you’re looking for, make sure you’ve selected the appropriate file from drive, and your filters are adjusted accordingly. You’ll find the feedback filter options next to the search bar. 

Click on the feedback card that you’d like to reply to, and you’ll see a tab called ‘Discussion’. If this file has been shared to one or more Portals, you’ll also see a thread for those discussions. Select where you’d like to share your feedback.

Note: The visibility of your feedback to other users is dependent on which thread you choose. For example, if you choose to reply in the workspace thread, only workspace members (i.e. not guest users in the portal) will see your reply. All portals are indicated with the purple “Portal” banner.  

From the discussion tab, you can type a discussion reply in the text field and hit Enter to save the comment under the feedback. The feedback creator will be notified right away, and they can comment back to you, which will display in real-time.

Need more information about Portals in general? Follow the recommended article below.