Creating and managing reviews

Creating and managing reviews

NOTE: Reviews can be started by Full Access and Admin users only. Limited users cannot start a review.


CoLab's Design Review workflows are adaptable to fit any type of design review, whether it's a concept review, technical review, gate review, change request, DFM review, VA/VE workshop, or informal review. Additionally, CoLab's Review feature accommodates multi-stage review cycles to align with your internal processes.

Creating a review

You can create a review at any time, even if the design files aren't ready to be uploaded yet. Reviews can be created from the homepage, from a workspace menu, from Track, or requested on any file uploaded to a workspace.

Creating a review from the home page

Requesting a review on an open file

When creating a review, you can name the review, add due dates, include a review checklist, write a description, and assign reviewers. As a best practice, we recommend naming your reviews based on the stages in your review process. Click ‘Send for Review’ to initiate the Review process. Reviewers will receive a notification that they have been assigned to a Review. 

Review activity

You can use the right-hand review menu to track review activity. Here you'll be able to see who has contributed to the review, how much feedback they've given, whether they've approved the review or requested changes, as well as a chronological list of all feedback created throughout the review.

Uploading a new revision

If changes are requested, the review creator can upload a new version of the file in Drive or by clicking the ‘Upload a revision’ button from the ‘Open’ dropdown in the Review panel.

After all Reviewers approve the Review, the review creator can close the Review or start a new stage by clicking the ‘Open’ dropdown in the Review panel, followed by the preferred option.

A modal will appear to confirm that you want to close the Review.

For a multi-stage review, the Request Review modal will appear after clicking ‘Close Review.’ The Creator can follow the steps above to request a Review for the next stage.

You can view the progress of every review you have created or been assigned to from the start page. Overdue reviews will be highlighted and reviews will be sorted based on the due date. The number of unresolved feedback in the review is identified to the left of the review title and the review status of Reviewers is displayed in the bottom right of their profile icon.