If you see Lite and Pro users in your admin panel you are on legacy CoLab functionality. Contact our support team for more information about your company roles or to upgrade to the latest version.
CoLab has 3 Company Roles, 4 levels of Workspace permissions, and 2 levels of Portals permissions.
Company Roles
Company roles include Admin, Team Member and Guest. Guest users may only have guest access within portals.
Company Default Roles
The below actions take place at the company level, outside of workspaces.
Workspace Default Roles
Within a workspace, Team Member users may have one of three workspace permission levels - Workspace Admin, Full Access or Limited access.
Portal Default Roles
Within a portal, users may have Portal Admin or Guest access. Team members are automatically assigned Portal Admin access when invited to a portal within a workspace to which they’ve been invited. A portal admin is a team member who’s also in the parent workspace. All other portal members are guests.
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