When reviewing 2D drawings and documents or 3D models in CoLab, you can easily generate specific comments, ideas, and design issues and bring them to the attention of your team, stakeholders, customers, and partners.
Feedback can be generated by adding markup to PDFs, images, and 3D models. Along with these markups, additional details can be included in the feedback item itself.
2D Feedback
When 2D files (PDF drawings or documents) have been uploaded to CoLab, they can be opened from Drive in a dedicated workspace and you can begin to create feedback as required.
To begin creating feedback, select the desired markup tool in the toolbar located at the top of the open file:
The following markup tools are available to you:
- General Feedback: used to create a piece of feedback that is associated to the file, but not related to any specific point or area in the file
- Select area: used to select an area of the file
- Pencil: allows you to make pen like markups on the PDF. Double click the Pencil button to make it the dominant markup tool in use
- Highlighter: allows you to make highlights on the PDF. Double click the Highlight button to make it the dominant markup tool in use
- Shape: allows you to select a desired shape that is used to highlight an area and leave feedback on it
- Line: allows you to draw lines on the PDF. Double click the Line button to make it the dominant markup tool in use
- Arrow: allows you to draw arrows on the PDF. Double click the Arrow button to make it the dominant markup tool in use
- Text callout: creates an arrow, associated text box and feedback window. Double click on the Callout button to make it the dominant markup tool in use
- Text: allows you to put text boxes on the PDF
- Undo/Redo: allows you to undo or redo any of the activities from this toolbar
- Delete: allows you to delete any activities from this toolbar. WARNING: deleted activities cannot be recovered
- *all markups have color, line thickness, and font options as necessary. Access these options by clicking on the tool button
After selecting a markup tool, simply click and drag on the file to create a markup. After creating the markup, you'll have the option to edit it, add more markup, or title & save your feedback.
Filling out additional feedback details & discussion
Each feedback item includes additional fields to convey more context. Once you save a piece of feedback with your initial markup, you can edit these details to offer further clarity or initiate a discussion.
3D Feedback
When 3D models such as parts, sub-assemblies, or assemblies are uploaded to CoLab, they can be accessed from Drive and opened in a dedicated workspace. From there, you can start creating feedback.
To initiate feedback, simply select the pin tool from the toolbar located at the top of the open file.
Marking up 3D models
Creating Feedback on 3D models begins with placing a pin. After placing the initial pin, you can use all the available 2D markup tools to add context. Additionally, a 3D highlighter tool allows you to highlight specific surfaces for further clarity.
Unresolved Feedback
As feedback is added to files in CoLab, the number of unresolved feedback items is displayed on the file itself in the Drive panel. Additionally, the feedback panel shows unresolved feedback for the currently open file.
Closing Feedback
CoLab offers the capability to create and monitor feedback items until they are resolved. Once feedback has been addressed, it can be closed. Closing feedback signifies that it has either been accepted and resolved or rejected and resolved.
By using filters to display feedback across multiple revisions, you can keep track of feedback created in previous revisions, ensuring that it has been addressed in subsequent revisions.
Closed feedback is still saved and can be resurfaced in Track or on the file using feedback filters.
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