To export Feedback from CoLab for reporting or sharing, use Track to export a .csv file. It includes all Feedback table data, plus a link to each item in CoLab, keeping applied filters and sorting intact.
Accessing feedback data
Select the Track from main navigation bar to access your feedback data. All feedback from the workspaces you have access to will be displayed.
Filtering Feedback
If you want to filter feedback based on a Workspace, click the drop-down menu titled ‘Workspaces’ and select the workspace(s) of interest.
Additional filters based on feedback status, priority, files, type, tags, due date, assignee, and creator can be added by clicking the Filter menu.
Exporting feedback
To export the Feedback data to a .csv file, click the ‘Export CSV’ button on the top right of the Feedback table.
After clicking ‘Export CSV,’ confirm the export by clicking ‘Yes’ in the prompt. The prompt will include the number of Feedback items that will be exported.

Download your CSV
Once the processing of the .csv file is ready, a message will appear in the top right corner of CoLab.
Click ‘Download CSV’ to download the file to your computer.
Note: You can only see and export Feedback from the Workspaces you have access to.
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