Export Feedback to .CSV

Export Feedback to .CSV

A user may need to export Feedback from CoLab for internal/client reporting or to share the Feedback with internal/external users who do not have CoLab access. 

Feedback can be exported from Track to a .csv file. The exported .csv file will contain all the data from the Feedback table and append an additional column that includes a link a to the individual Feedback in CoLab. The export data will also reflect the filters and sorting of the current view of the Feedback table.

Step 1: You can access the Feedback data from the Workspace Navigator or from an individual Workspace. To access Feedback data from any page, click the ‘Track’ button in the top bar. All Feedback from the Workspaces you have access to will be displayed.

Step 2: If you want to filter Feedback based on a Workspace(s), click the drop-down menu titled ‘Workspaces’ and select the Workspace(s) of interest. You can select as many Workspaces as you wish.

You can also add more filters based on Feedback status, priority, files, Feedback type, tags, due date, assignee, and creator by clicking the Filter menu highlighted in the picture below.

Step 3: To export the Feedback data to a .csv file, click the ‘Export CSV’ button on the top right of the Feedback table.

Step 4: After clicking ‘Export CSV,’ you will receive a prompt to confirm the export. The prompt will include the number of Feedback items that will be exported. Confirm the export by clicking ‘Yes.’

Step 5: After confirming the export and when the processing of the .csv is ready, a message will appear in the top right corner of CoLab where you can download the .csv file. Click ‘Download CSV’ to download the file. The file will download to your computer.

Step 6: Open the downloaded .csv file from your computer to view the Feedback data. 

Note: You can only see and export Feedback from the Workspaces you have access to.