Enable File Downloading

Enable File Downloading

In Workspaces

By default, downloading is disabled when a new workspace is created. Workspace owners and any company admins have the ability to enable downloading for every member of a workspace. Once downloading is enabled, any user in the workspace can download any file. Downloading cannot be enabled per file nor can it be enabled per user. 

Once inside a workspace, click your profile icon in the top right corner of the workspace. From the dropdown menu, select ‘Workspace Settings’ 

With the workspace settings opened, check/uncheck the ‘Allow Downloading’ checkbox.

In Portals 

Downloading is also disabled in a Portal by default, and cannot be enabled unless downloading is also enabled for the Workspace - this can be controlled by a workspace or company admin. If downloading is enabled for the workspace, a portals admin can enable downloading in the portal from the portals settings page. To access that page, first select the portal for which you’d like to enable downloading. Then click the ‘Settings’ button from the Portals Dashboard.

Under the ‘General’ tab on the Portals settings page, you can select the ‘Enable downloading’ option, and then ‘save changes’.

Unable to download files? Contact your company's CoLab admin to if you need downloading enabled for a workspace.