3D Model Viewer

3D Model Viewer

To Open a 3D Model in the Viewer:
  1. Open a workspace
  2. In ‘Drive’ (i.e. your file list within a workspace), double click a 3D file to open it in the viewer
  3. Evaluate the 3D model as desired 

Anytime you have a 3D file open in the viewer, you will see the 3D model toolbar in the bottom of the viewer.

Navigation Cube

The navigation cube will always display in the top right corner of the viewer when you have a 3D file open in the viewer. Click the faces on the cube to view the corresponding views set on the 3D model. You can also click the edges of the cube to view different orientations of the model. 

3D Model Toolbar

The 3D Model Toolbar will always display in the bottom of the 3D viewer when you have a 3D file open. For detail on each of the buttons on the 3D Model Toolbar, see the Viewers category of the knowledge base.

Reset Camera - Resets the model to the ‘home’ view set in the CAD tool before import to CoLab.

Navigation Mode - Provides options for how you would like to view or interact with the model. 

View Mode - Allows you to modify the model view’s shading or lines.

Measurement Tools - Allow you to measure the distance between faces, edges, radius, center to center, or the angle between faces on a 3D model.

Cutting Plane Tools - Allow you to section the model in the X, Y, and Z plane and toggle cutting planes on and off.

Explode - Allows you to create an exploded view of the model.

Model Tree - Shows you sub-assemblies and parts, with a properties menu.

Settings - Adjust options for navigation, measurement, cutting plane colors, walk mode, and drawings.